Gadsden Flag  Military Dog T-Shirt by CafePress

Gadsden Flag Military Dog T-Shirt by CafePress

Don't Tread on Me This is called the Gadsden Flag, which was used by the Continental Navy in the American Revolution. It still shows the American spirit of independance. Military Dog T-Shirt Tee, TShirt, Shirt Put your pooch in his own cool doggie t-shirt from American Apparel. He will be the envy of all the pups in the park. Let him wear a doggie-cool design so he can express what he would like to bark out loud. Do it up in doggie style!

Mission Statement/ About Us

The Student Coalition for the Pursuit of Truth was founded and chartered in October, 2007 by four undergraduate students at Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory, NC. Meetings were held weekly until their charter was revoked under suspicious circumstances in early 2009. Catawba Valley Community College denies that the group ever existed. A charter is now being pursued at Appalachian State.

The group usually meets off campus and is no way associated with or speaks for Catawba Valley Community College at any time, and assumes no responsibility for any action any current student or persons otherwise take in the name of the group. The Student Coalition for the Pursuit of Truth DOES AND WILL NOT PROMOTE VIOLENCE OF ANY KIND AT ANY TIME! We are dedicated rather to the progression of knowledge and ideals. We maintain NO POLITICAL OR RELIGIOUS AFFILIATIONS, but welcome people from all religious and political groups. We are interested in only one thing: TRUTH! For truth changes perception. And the sooner we know the truth, not the truth THAT WE developed, not our own PERSONAL truths, BUT THE WAY THINGS REALLY ARE, the sooner we as a people can begin to put away our egotistical and childish differences. The Oath of  The Student Coalition for the Pursuit of Truth is "TO FOLLOW TRUTH NO MATTER WHERE IT TAKES US." So we suggest that you have an open mind and give yourself a break because the truth is not always easy to accept. But please, may you be granted a strong spirit of discernment so that you may recognize truth when you see it for I'm sorry brothers and sisters, but YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO! YOUR WHOLE LIFE YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO...

Any and all information submitted by the publishers of this site will be thoroughly researched from all angles and presented as such in an unbiased and non-promotional manner. Publishers will upload content onto the site bi-monthly on the 15th and last day of each month. Reported content will be based on topics polled and submitted by the users of the site. We mainly deal with the following topics:  Religion and Theology, Politics, History, Economics, Banking and the Financial Industry, Government, Spirituality, Science, Secret Societies, Current Events, Mystery Schools, and MUCH MUCH MORE!

Let me next say that this is a Masonic Friendly site. Any information regarding the Masonic order in any of its various permutations and any information at all for that matter given by people or organizations in the films uploaded to or articles written that are not an original publication of the Publishers of this blog is NOT NECESSARILY CONDONED OR PROMOTED BY THE STUDENT COALITION FOR THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH.

Please enjoy the site for it is you the user that determines the content . Is there is anything that you ever had a hard time accepting? The official story just not adding up? Just submit the question or topic you desire researched, and my friend, WE SHALL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT. Don't forget to follow on Facebook, Twitter,and Youtube. 
2nd Amendment Gun Sticker Bumper by CafePress

2nd Amendment Gun Sticker Bumper by CafePress

Homeland Security is the 2nd amendment Gun Sticker Bumper Tell the world how you feel Our bumper stickers are perfect for expressing yourself while cruising down the highway or just for posting on the wall. Size: 10 x 3. Available in Opaque white or Transparent clear.