Gadsden Flag  Military Dog T-Shirt by CafePress

Gadsden Flag Military Dog T-Shirt by CafePress

Don't Tread on Me This is called the Gadsden Flag, which was used by the Continental Navy in the American Revolution. It still shows the American spirit of independance. Military Dog T-Shirt Tee, TShirt, Shirt Put your pooch in his own cool doggie t-shirt from American Apparel. He will be the envy of all the pups in the park. Let him wear a doggie-cool design so he can express what he would like to bark out loud. Do it up in doggie style!

The Truth about Jesus(The Christ) Part 1

   For 2000 years now the various peoples of the world have all asked the same questions. Among others one seems to continuously regard the validity, divinity, and historical precedent of the one we call Jesus Christ. Countless groups with their associated dogma all asserting different things. All saying that they posses factual truths about this Individual. So, what can be proved? What is in the historical record?

    With around one third of the global population, rounding out literally THOUSANDS of denominations and sub groups of peoples profess to be "Christian." This means that over two billion people have taken ON FAITH that 1700 year old texts and modern traditions perceived to be primarily unique to their own society or cultural denomination, establishes the divinity of Jesus. Along with traditional "Christians," there also exist around two additional billion people world wide that profess to be apart of the other Abrahamic traditions of Judaism and Islam These groups and denominations of peoples deny the divinity of Jesus BUT STILL recognize and proclaim that He was a historical person. A prophet in most cases.

    So what does this mean? Obviously it means that two thirds of the global population believe Jesus existed, not to mention countless others from separate Non-Abrahamic religious traditions that also make this assertion. For such a popular individual, one expects to find a historical secular Jesus within the non-Christian records of His time. Very simply we do not.

     Christian scholars usually site passages relevant to Christianity in the works of five major non-Christian writers of the late First and early Second centuries: Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus, Mara Bar-Serapion, and Pliny the Younger. However, these are generally references to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus, which can be seen most by the latter in a letter written  to Emperor Trajan circa 112 concerning how to deal with Christians, who refused to worship the emperor, and instead worshiped "Christ." This, to me is the  earliest reference to a "Christ" as a deity, but is given more than a century after His death and is in no way an eye witness account of Jesus. In fact ALL references made by the aforementioned scholars are made well after the accepted death of Jesus and are therefore "here-say" accounts of previous persons  material. Also, There is ABSOLUTELY NO mention of a historical JESUS. Only a derivation of the word CHRIST, which was used as a surname in antiquity.
     Tacitus, in his "Annals" written circa 115 mentions a "Christus", without many historical details. Also there is an obscure reference to a Jewish leader called "Chrestus" in one work by Suetonius that references "persistent disturbances ... at the instigation of Chrestus," cited in chapter 25 which he says occurred in Rome, during the reign of Emperor Claudius around circa AD 50. Probably the most prominently cited source is the Jewish scholar Josephus, whose works pertaining to Jesus have been exacerbated as an elaborate and proven forgery OVER AND OVER again. Dr. Gordon Stein relates on this topic by stating that, "The vast majority of scholars since the early 1800s have said that this quotation is not by Josephus, but rather is a later Christian insertion in his works. In other words, it is a forgery, rejected by scholars." Finally there is Mara Bar-Serapion who mentions a "wise king" in a letter written to his son that was "executed by Jews." Obviously this does not have nearly enough historical precedent to determine that this "wise king" was Jesus Christ.
     So what does this mean? That there was no Jesus? That He never existed? ABSOLUTELY NOT! All it means is that there is no secular historical record pertaining to a Jesus Christ. Which is completely understandable considering His real name was probably not even Jesus at all but Yeshua. But lets save that for a different time.:) The purpose of this post is primarily to examine the story of Jesus and what we now consider "Christian" symbolism which happens to show up in some pretty interesting places.
     DID YOU KNOW that the story of Jesus shows up in numerous (50+ according to my study) religious traditions that predate Christianity? While we do not have the time to discuss in depth all of these assorted traditions, we will look at the Central figures of the five most well known perhaps. Horus, Egyptian Sun God of around 3000 b.c. was born on Dec. 25 of the Virgin mother Isis. His birth was accompanied by a star in the east  which three Kings followed in order to adorn the new Savior. At the age of twelve, he became a prodigal child teacher. At the age of 30 He was baptized and began His ministry. Horus most usually was accompanied by twelve disciples who which He preformed miracles with like healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was know by many familiar names to Christians like "The Truth," "The Light," "Gods anointed Son," "The Good Shepperd," "The Lamb of God and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for three days, and then resurrected. The God Attis of Phyrgia Greece circa 1200 BC was born of the Virgin mother Nana on December 25. Attis died by means of crucifixion, and was placed in a tomb and after three days was resurrected. The Indian God Krishna circa 900BC was born of the virgin Mother Devaki, with an eastern star signaling His coming. He preformed miracles with His disciples and upon death was resurrected. Dionysus of Greece circa 500 BC was born of a virgin on December 25. He was a traveling teacher that preformed miracles such as turning water into wine. He was referred to as the "king of kings," "Gods only begotten Sun," "the alpha and the omega," and many others. Also, He too upon death was resurrected. Finally Mithra of Persia circa 1200 BC was born of a virgin on December 25. He had twelve disciples and upon His death, was buried for three days and resurrected. Mithra was referred to as the "Truth,"and the "Light." Also interestingly enough the sacred day of worship for this and almost every other SUN GOD was SUNDAY.
     So, the obvious question is why do all these various traditions, (remember 50+) separated by thousands of miles and in some cases thousands of years all tell the same story. Its simple you see, its all Sun worship! Its all astrology.  Think about it. Why do we meet on SUNdays? Why do we have SUN rise services on the spring equinox,  etc.? Okay, let me break it down for ya. "Gods ONLY SUN," "The LIGHT OF THE WORLD," "Our RISEN SAVIOR," etc are all references to the SUN not the SON! You see, for a period  of time the Sun rises in the vicinity of the constellation Virgo, so it's "BORN OF A VIRGIN." From there ,as the Earth makes its yearly procession around the Sun, the Sun rises in the vicinity of each zodiacal constellation for approximately one month each, so IT TRAVELS AROUND(or around with) TWELVE FOLLOWERS.(or disciples) On December 21/22 during the winter solstice the Sun reaches its lowest point in the sky where it rests on the exact same degree line of measurement in the vicinity of the Crux or Southern Cross Constellation for exactly three days. Then on December 25, the Sun rises a single degree in the sky and continues to do so giving way to longer days as summer approaches. SO THE SUN LITERALLY DIES ON THE CROSS AND AFTER THREE DAYS IS RESURRECTED BEING BORN AGAIN, AS OUR RISEN SAVIOR.  Because if it does not rise, we'll all die.
     My friends these messages aren't meant to attack or discourage your faith. It is simply to enlighten you to the fact that you haven't been told the complete truth. Which is common amongst cultures and civilizations. Toughs in power supplement the masses with inferior doctrine as a means of control and capitalization, while the real truths are revealed only to toughs selected by the already initiated in dark windowless rooms. I cry out against such heresy. Everyone on Earth should know that ALL of our main modern Theological doctrines are nothing more than ancient paganism. Christianity, as we have already established is primarily based on Sun worship. Likewise Judaism is all about the worship of Saturn, and Islam, Uranus.
     This may be a hard pill to swallow, especially if you are hearing these concepts for the first time. But just remember to keep an open mind, give yourself a break, and pray for a strong spirit of discernment. To show how ancient concepts are successfully integrated into modern society, let us look at the very name "Israel" itself. Now when the so-called "Jews" were in Egypt the worship centered around the Virgin "Isis." Pharaoh Akhenaten changed the worship to himself proclaiming himself "Amen-Ra" or just "Ra." From there  the so-called "Jews" left Egypt, eventually venturing into the Phoenicia-Canaan area where worship centered around The God "El," which was Saturn. So the journey of the "Jews" encountered three main belief systems that inevitably form the nations very name. "Isis," "Ra," and "El," or Is-ra-el. ISRAEL! So, its only right to assume that other traditions, LIKE CHRISTIANITY have absorbed similar ancient belief systems and symbolism into its modern dogma and culture. This is undeniable. I mean just look around. You can't  even drive down the street without being bombarded with numerous and elaborate solar symbolism nearly at every turn. The cross that is so central to Christianity itself originates from the two equinox and two solstice divisions that form a cross within the circle of the sun which divides the twelve signs of the zodiac into the four seasons.

     In conclusion ladies and gentlemen, upon looking objectively at the evidence, we cannot definitively prove or disprove the existence of Jesus. Which wasn't at all my objective to begin with in the first place. However, one MUST come away from this essay with a greater understanding perhaps of how the world works, how ancient beliefs show up in our modern western society, and hopefully most importantly, how we've been had.  I for one am tired of the lies, and here at The Student Coalition for the Pursuit of Truth, WE WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT. My main sources for this information are the Encyclopedia Judaica, works and videos by the prolific Jordan Maxwell(The book the Church doesn't want you to Read), Manly P. Hall(The Secret Teachings of all Ages) , and Albert Pike,(Morals and Dogma) And yes, "Zeitgeist," although We here at the Coalition have been researching these topics prior to its release, but must recommend it be watched by anyone pursuing truth. However, we must say that we in no way support or endorse the Zeitgeist movement, and if prompted by the users of this site, will dive into that film in order to set straight some inaccuracies and petition that the film indeed has an alternate agenda which may be elaborated on and discussed at a latter date. That reminds me! EVERYONE DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT AND HIT THE POLL ON OUR SITE TO VOTE ON WHAT OUR NEXT TOPIC WILL BE!!!:) And with that I leave you with some words from the late great Manly Palmer Hall. "The myth of the dying god is the key to both universal and individual redemption and regeneration, and those who do not comprehend the true nature of this supreme allegory are not privileged to consider themselves either wise or truly religious."           

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2nd Amendment Gun Sticker Bumper by CafePress

2nd Amendment Gun Sticker Bumper by CafePress

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