Gadsden Flag  Military Dog T-Shirt by CafePress

Gadsden Flag Military Dog T-Shirt by CafePress

Don't Tread on Me This is called the Gadsden Flag, which was used by the Continental Navy in the American Revolution. It still shows the American spirit of independance. Military Dog T-Shirt Tee, TShirt, Shirt Put your pooch in his own cool doggie t-shirt from American Apparel. He will be the envy of all the pups in the park. Let him wear a doggie-cool design so he can express what he would like to bark out loud. Do it up in doggie style!

Occupy Whos Street?

So dear friends WHAT is the Verdict on Occupy Wall street? I must say that having researched this topic over the last month and exhausting what little resources are available to me I am even more confused than before. Perpetuated in the mass media as "An explosion of mainstream popular sentiment," imagine my surprise when arriving to "Occupy Charlotte,"  to a meager handful of people one more clueless than the next. There was an obvious hierarchy in place. Two individuals clearly were in control and suspiciously denied revealing where they were from. A man and a woman. The later received direction from the former via one on one conversation and relayed information to the group. This information included where to stand, what to say, even the hand movements and signs etc.. Pretty much every thing was choreographed and  to be done in unison. Although I didn't participate actively in the demonstration I talked a lot with those in attendance about policy, economics etc.. Nearly all not only seemed blissfully ignorant of current events but apparently had no idea what positions the Occupy Group itself held, a group they were actively supporting. They provided only rhetoric AT BEST. It all seemed very "Tag-line-ish." "Blah blah blah WALL STREET!" "Blah blah blah blah MAIN STREET! I suppose any group in the media eye needs their talking points but To be frank it was pretty RIDICULOUS! Is this the "Explosion" that all the media bells and whistles are talking about? By viewing the evening news one might think that Occupy Wall Street is the Global Sensationalist Event taking place in every city across the world. Why then in the city holding the 2012 Democratic National Convention would a group with so much political clout be so apparently inactive? As night time drew near, various news entourages begin showing up. The group had grown somewhat by this time but not by much folks. Almost on cue with the local news media, vans, suvs, and cars full of people showed up out of nowhere and a group of what was 20 or so unassuming young college students was quickly transformed into a group of around 100 sign toting, chanting and signing protesters. As I attempted to identify who exactly these people were, where they came from, and any affiliations they might have, I COULD NOT for the life of me get a straight answer. As more and more people gathered I begin to hear rumblings from some of the spectators(spectators being those present at the demonstration but ones that did not actively participate) about the individuals arriving. I now began to question some spectators and it became readily apparent that most of the individuals arriving were apart of a group called "Anonymous North Carolina." Apart from a Facebook page, the only thing I've been able to find even mentioning this group is a news article from Charlotte Business Journal Staff writer Susan Stabley. The article details attempts made by a former Occupy Charlotte organizer to contact Mayor Anthony Foxx and City Manager Curt Walton. The organizer claimed that the Occupy Charlotte group had been “infiltrated and taken over to a degree by a group of younger people who claim to be part of an a organization called Anonymous North Carolina,” adding  that the demonstrations involving individuals camping outside old City Hall are now being led by a “vigilante group." Here's a link to the article.     

Alright. So why is this a problem? Well I'm not going to go so far as to say that this is obvious evidence of subversive elements operating within and undermining our mainstream movements. That would be a leap to say the least. However, given the lack of information on this group Anonymous North Carolina, plus the fact that there is evidence that there was worry within the inner organizational echelons of Occupy Charlotte about increasing outside influence, coupled now with claims that letters from the organizers were sent to top level City officials including the mayor makes everything a little SUSPICIOUS don't you think? And isn't it even more suspicious that a group seemingly so small is getting so much media attention or is it really as big as they'd want us to believe? Check out this " New Republic" article called "The Truth about Occupy Wall street It's much smaller than it seems."

So if it's understood that even on the grassroots level, movements or groups can succumb to egregious internal social and financial manipulations, its not that much of a stretch to deliberate whether or not a group getting enormous amounts of media acclaim like Occupy Wall Street has been successfully infiltrated or were completely controlled from the get go. I personally tend to subscribe to the later but as new "Occupy" groups spring up in cities across the United States they are cleverly quailed, subverted, and eventually assimilated into the larger mainstream movement. This I think is what has happened in Charlotte.

So then we are left with a question. Who is doing the controlling? You also might want to ask yourself who Ivan Marovic is and what hes doing addressing Occupy Wall Street groups???

Ivan Marovic was the co-founder of Otpor! Otpor was a civic youth movement that existed as such from 1998 until 2003 in Serbia (then a federal unit within FR Yugoslavia), employing nonviolent struggle against the regime of Slobodan Milošević as their course of action. They were credited for their role in the successful overthrow of Slobodan Milošević on 5 October 2000. Along with Srđa Popović, Otpor's best known member, Marovic enlists highly sophisticated and extremely well funded groups of professional revolutionaries ultimately responsible for the outbreak of world revolution in NUMEROUS countries during the late 90s up until present day. These include Serbia, Egypt, Ukraine, etc. HERE WATCH THIS :

It would appear that the CIA is connected to the funding apparatus as well. The role of professional groups of urban uprisings such as CANVAS, OTPOR, ACORN, and Adbusters are to subvert funds while providing logistical and tactical support for a huge funneling apparatus tied to the CIA and the US government. LISTEN to former CIA Agent Philip Agee:

So, I think its pretty apparent that Occupy Wall Street is being made to look like a progressive movement of the people when in fact it is anything but. You can find other information in additional forums regarding connections with the Rupert Murdoc of the left George Soros. Actually Soros is probably the more influential of the two and tends to be much more reclusive. HERE CHECK THIS OUT:

The purpose of of this post is not only to sound the alarm to fellow citizens, not so that we might agree on the information or the particulars of which group controls that group and so on, but so that we might come to some consensus and agree that the Occupy movement need to be looked at. To me the evidence is overwhelming. There is something MUCH BIGGER going on here.

I guess the only truly relevant question should now be WHY? What is the eventual purpose for this movement ,how is it being used, and by whom? On the surface, Occupy Wall Street is obviously a democratic campaign front much like the Tea Party was for the Republicans, probably meant to insure that Barack Obama remains in office. Although on paper, not officially associated with the Democratic Party, big time endorsements by the nations most prominent key Leftist figures like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klien, and others, make the group undeniable ultra-left. And if we look back only to the last United States presidential election, groups connected to Adbusters(behind OWS on paper),  like ACORN were ultimately responsible for much of the publicity and support surrounding Obama in the first place and threw huge campaign donations his way. Even in Serbia, Otpor was never meant to be associated with the Democratic Party and for years never was, but after the successful regime change of  Slobodan Milošević, Otpor eventually integrated into the party. So why is this troubling?

In the conspiratorial world, there seems to be a consensus amongst most scholars. Global government will be brought in from the Left. Relying heavily on the ideas and works of individuals like Nesta Webster,(among others) scholars often interpret global events within this context. Webster was a controversial historian, occultist, and author who revived conspiracy theories about the Illuminati in the early Twentieth Century. She argued that the secret society's members were occultists, plotting COMMUNIST WORLD DOMINATION, using the idea of a Jewish cabal, the Masons and Jesuits as a smokescreen. According to her, their international subversion included the French Revolution, 1848 Revolution, the First World War,and  the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, as detailed in her famous 1921 work, "World Revolution."

The right and the Republican Party was meant to be so habitually dysfunctional and ineffectual that after they had robbed the middle and lower classes to the point where there were ultimately at a stage of serfdom and at the point of extremely strained economic hysteria the left would then come in and offer solutions successfully sweeping up the masses in their global social programs. Left and right is just a shadow though you see. A farce and a  pseudo-democracy meant to cascade an illusion of choice to the people and are used merely as a "flavor of the week" by the financial global elites in order to bring in relevant revisionist policies. Have circumstances been different the roles of the parties could have varied perhaps. My point is, that of coarse the parties are interconnected and controlled by the world financial elites. But for the purpose of understanding we will simply refer to the "Global Agenda" as Ms. Webster did in her era by the term "Communist World Domination."

COMMUNIST  WORLD DOMINATION??? But wait! Didn't we fight a Cold War for half a century and ultimately defeat Communism? And hasn't it been the CIA's modus operandi since the late 40s/early 50s to infiltrate foreign leftist regimes, stage a coup, and replace even democratically elected socialist leaders with brutal military dictators from the far right that were more sympathetic to capitalist American interests? So why then, is the CIA seemingly working with and providing support and funding to the Leftist Occupy Wall Street movements?

There can only be one of two answers in my humble opinion. Either 1, the CIA has been associating itself with leftist movements post Cold War in attempt to draw out potential Globalist Communist threats so that the final push for the Global "World Revolution" might be quailed. A theory that perhaps emotionally resonates with me as I tend to romanticize the role of the CIA based on the revelations of Gordan Novel who claims there are toughs within the CIA that advocates a global government that THEY would control. I think we would all be curious to see what that may look like and I don't know which one would be worst for John Q. Public.Or 2, and this in my opinion is the more likely of the two, the CIA has been part of the Globalist World agenda all along, the Cold War was just a fraud,(which it obviously was but for what reason who can say. Theories range from it being used as a guise to develop advanced weaponry during the Arms Build-up in order to combat a new extra-terrestrial enemy and the United States and the Soviets were actually the closest of allies which the late Naval Intelligence Officer William "Bill" Cooper asserts, to it being used as a means to divide and conquer the whole damn world!)and instead of ousting prominent leftist leaders in countries of particular interest and significance to the United States, the CIA actually installed officials that would at the time do capitalist business in America, but due to agreements made and just plain old time of secession, leftist leaders and sentiment eventually turned out even more ultra-left than before, so that in the end during the final stages of the "World Revolution," all dominoes would be in line to fall. AND FRIENDS! THERE ARE VERY FEW DOMINOES LEFT AND AMERICA IS ONE OF THEM! And that is probably the most frightening of all, because it is readily apparent to me and others that have been looking at this stuff for decades that this Occupy Wall Street Movement is meant to finally consolidate a global world system. Especially since Occupiers are now openly calling for a global "Robin Hood Tax" to be enforced by a "global democracy."

The following are excerpts taken from  and an affiliate detailing the new 15-0 manifesto: Humanity united for global democracy:

  "On October 29, on the eve of the G20 Leaders Summit in France, let's the people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1% #ROBINHOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency trades. Let's send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3-trillion easy money that's sloshing around the global casino each day – enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world."

"United for Global Democracy. On October 15, 2011, united in our diversity, united for global change, we demand global democracy, global governance by the people for the people, inspired by our sisters and brothers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Palestine-Israel, Spain, and Greece, we too call for a regime change, a global regime change, today we demand replacing the G8 with the whole of humanity, the G7,000,000,000." source

It doesn't matter how they package it folks, Global taxation and government is in COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL and totalitarian. And even though it may not be the traditionally feared Orwellian "Boot Stamping in the face of humanity" yet... Don't worry I am sure that is to come as well. PLEASE SHARE AND PLEASE COMMENT!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOUR ARE FROM NORTH CAROLINA!!! LETS TRY TO FIGURE OUT JUST WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON HERE!AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO AD, PLEASE DO DO! And oh, as a reference, I visited the Occupy Charlotte protests during early October and have not been to the most recent ones occurring now(first week of November) so all information relayed about the events of the protests at Occupy Charlotte should be keep within that frame of reference. PEACE AND LOVE!!! :)      

1 comment:

  1. Its importnat to establish the proper paradigm when dicussing so-called "grass roots" movements. Almost always these move3ments are started by or eventually highjacked by the powers that be. For example FBI, DHS, or promentient funded "leftist" orbs in the case of Occupy, that are connected to Geroge Soros. These groups are meant to appear as legit countercultural movements focussed on bringing real change to America. But as you have established, Nothing could be further from the truth! Thank you for the post! Great job!


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